Useful resources for outreach
Managers taking Action based on Knowledge and Effective use of resources to achieve results (MAKEr) This World Health Organization (WHO) website makes available current information and tools to help managers in their day-to-day work of organising and providing health services. It covers topics such as management of: partnerships, sub-national levels, facilities; programmes, resources and community health services. It also includes country experiences. Connection details: Email: [email protected]
Carlson C, de Lamalle JP, Fustukian S, Newell-Jones K, Sibbons M and Sondorp E. Key issues guide: service delivery in difficult environments
DFID Health Systems Resource Centre.
Minkler M (editor). Community organizing and community building for health
Rutgers University Press 2004. Available from Waterstones. £18
White V, Harris J. Developing good practice in community care: partnership and participation
Jessica Kingsley Publishers 2001. Available from Waterstones. £15
Burns D et al. Making community participation meaningful: a handbook for development and assessment
The Policy Press. Available from Waterstones. £15
Lankester T. Setting up community health programmes (2nd edition)
Macmillan 2002. Available from TALC. £5.25
Hon. Abdoulie M Sallah. Health for Peace Initiative; lessons for effective partnership development
PowerPoint Presentation 2000.
Community outreach – cataract
VISION 2020 e-resource Sitenews. Vol 3. No 2. February 2006
Management resources related to refractive correction
VISION 2020 e-resource Sitenews Vol 3. No 5. May 2006.
Waterstones 71-74 North Street, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 1ZA, UK. Email: [email protected]
ICEH International Resource Centre, LSHTM, Keppel Street, London, WC1E 7HT, UK. Email: [email protected]
TALC PO Box 49, St Albans, Herts, AL1 5TX, UK. Email: [email protected]