News and notices. Comm Eye Health Vol. 13 No. 35 2000. September 01, 2000
Repair and Reconstruction
A Journal for Injury, Deformity and Disease
This new Journal has as its first theme: Burn Injury. Articles are included on epidemiology, prevention, fluid resuscitation, management, nursing care, anaesthesia, grafting and physiotherapy. The Journal is presently distributed FREE of any charge. This is a twice yearly publication of the International Community Trust for Health and Educational Services (ICTHES).
Contact address: D D Murray McGavin MD FRCS(Ed) Editorial Consultant ICTHES 106/110 Watney Street London E1 2QE, UK.
News and notices in Comm Eye Health Vol. 13 No. 35 2000 –
- Foundation Dark & Light
- High quality low cost intraocular lenses (IOLs)
- First Meeting of the World’s Patient-based Glaucoma Associations
- Royal College of Ophthalmologists Diploma Examination in Ophthalmology DRCOphth
- Repair and Reconstruction
- The International Council of Ophthalmology Assessments for Ophthalmologists