News and notices. Comm Eye Health Vol. 13 No. 36 2000. December 01, 2000

International Centre for Advancement of Rural Eye Care


Announces the starting of a 6-month Diploma Course in Community Eye Health from early 2001.

Aim: To extend the individual patient-based traditional clinical practice of ophthalmology to the assessment and facilitation of good eye health for the population as a whole.

Objectives: To equip the community eye health specialist with the skills necessary to

(a) Assess the eye care needs of communities and populations.

(b) Design and implement eye care programmes.

(c) Manage eye care programmes. influence health policy.

(d) Evaluate eye care programmes.

(e) Develop community eye health courses.

(f) Carry out advocacy for community eye health and

(g) Conduct epidemiological research into visual impairment and major eye diseases.

Participants: The course is open to qualified ophthalmologists, general doctors, eye care professionals such as optometrists, administrators and managers of eye hospitals/centres with relevant experience.

Course structure: The Course consists of a combination of different modules to make up a full-time 6-month Diploma Course. The option to undertake the full-time Course or individual modules is available.

For more information and details about the Course, please contact

Dr BR Shamanna, Consultant, International Centre for Advancement of Rural Eye Care, ICARE-LVPEI, Post Bag No 1, Kismatpur BO, Rajendernagar PO, Hyderabad 500 030, India. Tel: +91-40-4011243 / +91-40-3548098 Fax: +91-40-4011293 / +91-40-3548271. E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]

News and notices in Comm Eye Health Vol. 13 No. 36 2000 –