News and notices. Comm Eye Health Vol. 20 No. 62 2007. June 01, 2007

Book review. Helping children who are blind

Reviewed by Paul Lynch

This resource book was written primarily for parents, but it is also very useful for professionals working with visually impaired children, e.g. teachers, itinerant teachers, and mobility and rehabilitation workers.

The book explains how to help a baby or young child who is blind develop communication skills, daily living skills, and movement. Each chapter takes a step-by-step approach to helping a parent or carer through a specific skill; attractive pencil drawings illustrate each step.

The appendices provide a helpful resource for those developing intervention programmes for different age groups. There are also useful suggestions on how to make simple toys from local materials that help develop a child’s use of hands and sense of touch.

This publication can be ordered from TALC: PO Box 49, St Albans, Herts, AL1 5TX, UK. Email: [email protected]. Web:—family-and-community-support-for-children-with-vision-problems.htm

News and notices in Comm Eye Health Vol. 20 No. 62 2007 –