Comm Eye Health Vol. 26 No. 81 2013. Published online 22 May, 2013
Disability and diversity
This special issue has a range of interesting articles relevant to anybody working in community eye health. It is packed with content to boost your confidence about how to approach or interact with people with disabilities.
Articles in this issue –
- Facing up to disability
- About this issue
- Glossary: disability
- What does it mean to have an impairment?
- Understanding the wider needs of children with disabilities
- Improving communication with patients with a hearing impairment
- Supporting people with visual impairment
- From the field. Mobility impairments and access
- Addressing disability in the health system at CARITAS Takeo Eye Hospital
- Disability: recommendations for eye programmes
- Assisting people who are visually impaired
- A vision for inclusion
- Reaching out to patients with intellectual disabilities
- Community-based rehabilitation: working in partnership with eye care
- Fire safety in the eye theatre
- Management of an eye prosthesis or conformer
- Inspecting and unbending surgical needle holders
- Children as agents of change in trachoma control
- Primary open-angle glaucoma: reader feedback
Continuing professional development –
News and notices –
- Book review. The Epidemiology of Eye Disease, 3rd edition, edited by Johnson GJ et al.
- Community Ear and Hearing Health
- Courses
Further information about this issue –
Consulting Editor: Diane Mulligan Deputy Director, Advocacy and Alliances for Inclusive Development: CBM International. [email protected]
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