Comm Eye Health Vol. 17 No. 51 2004. Published online 01 September, 2004
Bridging the gaps
By the year 2020, the international eye care community hopes to have eliminated avoidable blindness as a public health problem. However there is still a big gap between what needs to be done and what is being done.
Articles in this issue –
- Bridging the gaps
- The policy-practice gap: supporting national VISION 2020 action plans
- Reaching into the district: strengthening the eye care team
- Bridging the gap between health care professionals and communities
- Bridging the gap to evidence-based eye care
- Bridging the eye health information gap through the internet
- Instrument repair for remote eye units
- Reaching the poor with eye services. Experiences from the family practice unit, Manaus County, Brazil
- Preventing broomstick eye injuries in children in Accra, Ghana