Comm Eye Health Vol. 27 No. 86 2014. Published online 21 July, 2014
Teamwork for eye care
This issue is about teamwork for eye care, and about how eye teams can function more effectively to address blindness and improve eye health in the communities where the need is greatest.
Articles in this issue –
- About this issue
- Teamwork for eye care
- Don’t drop the patient: teamwork for cataract surgery
- Building the eye care team
- Training, certification and accreditation for eye teams
- A team approach to providing refractive error services
- Non-clinical managers: the key to a successful eye programme
- Ophthalmic nursing services in Botswana
- Case study: Encouraging nurses to develop skills and confidence in Indonesia
- Ophthalmic clinical officers: developments in Uganda
- How to test for the red reflex in a child
- Understanding your operating microscope’s assistant scope and beamsplitter
- The SAFE strategy for trachoma control: poised for rapid scale-up
- Near visual acuity in an inner city Hispanic community: understanding the barriers and benefits of correction