Useful resources
Effective teaching and learning for eye health workers
This booklet is based on the teaching eye health series of articles in the Community Eye Health Journal, now expanded and updated. It aims to stimulate readers to become more effective teachers and touches on a number of important topics related to teaching and learning in a systematic and practical way. However, this can only be a beginning as education is a very broad field and readers are referred to the material in the reference section for further information.
Authors: Prozesky D, Stevens S, Hubley J.
Publisher: International Centre for Eye Health, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
Published: 2006
View resource: PDF (720Kb); Full text
View resource in parts:
- Acknowledgements and introduction PDF (55Kb)
- Section 1: Teaching and learning PDF (55Kb)
- Section 2: Communication PDF (140Kb)
- Section 3: Developing a course curriculum PDF (110Kb)
- Section 4: Methods of teaching PDF (70Kb)
- Section 5: Methods of assessment PDF (65Kb)
- Section 6: Teaching and learning resource materials PDF (80Kb)
- Section 7: Evaluation of training PDF (90Kb)
- Glossary and references PDF (55Kb)