Comm Eye Health Vol. 14 No. 38 2001. Published online 01 June, 2001
Onchocerciasis and leprosy update
Articles on the global prevention and control of onchocerciasis and ocular leprosy.
Articles in this issue –
- Onchocerciasis: impact of interventions
- VISION 2020: update on onchocerciasis
- The case of ivermectin: lessons and implications for improving access to care and treatment in developing countries
- Practical eye care guidelines for leprosy patients: workshop on ocular leprosy
- Update on ocular leprosy
- Recommendations
- Assessment of learning
- Letters to the Editor. Chloroquine
- Letters to the editor. Car seat belts
- Letters to the editor. Bilamellar tarsal rotation
- Letters to the editor. Cataract surgery
News and notices –
- Abstract
- Cataract surgical rate workers
- The International Council of Ophthalmology assessments for ophthalmologists
- Community Eye Health Courses 2001/2002
- Inclusive education for children with visual impairments. A guide for non-formal schools
- Leprosy and the eye
- Royal College of Ophthalmologists
- Learning resources on onchocerciasis