Ocular surface disorders
Many diseases can affect the ocular surface. Their frequency and severity varies from region to region, often depending on the local climate. Ocular surface diseases can affect both eyesight and quality of life, and – in severe cases – cause blindness.
Because they have a limited number of symptoms and signs, and can appear very similar in presentation, patients can be misdiagnosed and hence poorly managed. In this issue, we offer a systematic approach to assessing and diagnosing common ocular surface diseases and look in detail at general management principles, including how to control inflammation. Other articles discuss ocular allergy, pterygium and squamous cell carcinoma. In the middle of the issue we also have a poster with useful information about common ocular surface conditions and their primary management.
Articles in this issue –
- Assessment and diagnosis: a rational approach
- Managing ocular surface disease: a common-sense approach
- Managing ocular allergy in resource-poor settings
- Common and important ocular surface conditions
- Squamous cell carcinoma of the conjunctiva
- Understanding and managing pterygium
- How to irrigate the eye
- Understanding and caring for an indirect ophthalmoscope
- A case for South-South collaboration for trachoma elimination
- Inequities in eye care in South Asia
- Trends in Gender and Blindness in India
- Inequities in cataract surgical coverage in South Asia
- Reaching the unreached in Sunderbans
- Letter to the editor: Emel Hospital, Syria
Continuing professional development –
News and notices –
- Courses
- #StrongerTogether: Highlights from IAPB’s 10th General Assembly
- Useful resources for ocular surface disease
- Subscriptions
- Next issue: online only
Further information about this issue –
Consulting editors for Issue 95: Matthew Burton and Allen Foster