News and notices. Comm Eye Health Vol. 14 No. 38 2001. June 01, 2001

Inclusive education for children with visual impairments. A guide for non-formal schools

Published by: Technical Assistance for the Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind, Helen Keller International, Bangladesh

House 38, Road 14 A, Dhanmondi, Dhaka – 1209, Bangladesh, email: [email protected]

This book provides guidelines for non-formal schools. It aims to motivate and encourage the necessary interaction for inclusive education within typical school activity.

The 84 pages comprise 11 sections. The first section sets the scene in story form about two Bangladeshi children who are visually impaired, emphasising their abilities and progress at school and explaining how their needs are met by thoughtful teachers and friends.

Subsequently, the text explains eye diseases specific to children and how these may be recognised and/or prevented. The diseases are addressed in practical terms, highlighting the effects on daily living skills and how these effects can be managed.

Advice is provided on classroom teaching and suggests activities to encourage participation by the visually impaired child.

Reading and writing of print and Braille and the use of Low Vision devices is covered simply but comprehensively. Practical ideas are provided for teaching mathematics, orientation and mobility, use of the white cane and also leisure activities.

Each chapter sets exercises to test the readers learning and suggests an activity for implementing and applying the knowledge gained thus far.

The black and white illustrations are excellent and culturally appropriate for an Asian setting. Permission is granted for reproduction of these and the text for individual teaching requirements.

This book provides thoroughly enjoyable reading and will prove a valuable tool in raising awareness and motivating schools to integrate visually impaired children into their programme.

News and notices in Comm Eye Health Vol. 14 No. 38 2001 –