Comm Eye Health Vol. 33 No. 109 2020. Published online 01 September, 2020
Responding to COVID-19 in eye health
The COVID-19 pandemic is having a devastating impact on people, communities and economies, including health care and eye care. In this issue, we offer guidance and practical advice on adapting eye services, deciding which patients to see, personal protective equipment (PPE) and cleaning & disinfection. Learn how to make your own face shield and hand sanitiser, be inspired by case studies from eye health professionals around the world, and update yourself on the latest evidence about the disease and the virus causing it.
Articles in this issue –
- Responding to COVID-19 in eye health
- Eye care during the COVID-19 public health emergency: a WHO perspective
- Understanding COVID-19: the virus
- Disability and COVID-19
- An eye hospital’s humanitarian response to COVID-19
- Wellbeing and mental health during the COVID-19 outbreak
- How to adapt your eye service in the time of COVID-19
- COVID-19: Adaptations and changes at Guinness Eye Centre, Nigeria
- COVID-19 and eye care services in Ethiopia
- Ophthalmology during COVID-19: deciding who to see and when
- How to make hand sanitiser/hand rub
- How to make hand sanitiser gel
- The importance of planning in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic in Paraguay
- Personal protective equipment for COVID-19 in eye care
- How to make a protective face shield or visor
- Cleaning and disinfection in health care settings during the COVID-19 outbreak
- Ophthalmic practice protocols during the COVID-19 pandemic – the Aravind way
- Serving patients in the COVID-19 pandemic
- Telemedicine in ophthalmology during COVID-19 pandemic
- Eyecare at Tilganga Institute of Ophthalmology during COVID–19 pandemic
- Changing ophthalmic practice during the COVID-19 pandemic in Uganda
- COVID-19 numbers and models: misleading us, or leading us out of misery?
- Zithromax® donation for trachoma elimination during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Test your knowledge and understanding
- From the editor’s desk