Comm Eye Health Vol. 35 No. 115 2022. Published online 20 September, 2022
Community engagement and patient-centred care
Community engagement and participation in the health system are fundamental elements of primary health care. In this issue, we explore the challenges of reaching those people most in need of eye care, learn how to work with communities to improve their access to eye care, and why it matters to involve the community in monitoring the quality and impact of health care interventions.
Articles in this issue –
- Community engagement in eye care: working with and for communities
- Engaging communities in planning and delivering eye care services
- Overcoming the challenge of the last mile
- Engaging with communities to generate demand and improve the uptake of eye care
- Community-based monitoring: people’s health in people’s hands
- Checking and replacing fuses
- Disability inclusion and community engagement: lessons from trachoma
- Case study: painful, red eye in a Ugandan farmer
- Amplifying the voices of disabled people: a model for better community engagement in eye health
- Social behaviour change interventions in eye care: lessons from the field
- Vision guardians for community eye health: the LV Prasad Eye Institute model in India
- Demand-side financing: can it help deliver eye care for all?
- Case study: a community-led outreach programme to improve eye care service delivery in Sri Lanka
- Comprehensive eye care for children in rural Bangladesh: community- and school-based service models
- Providing eye care services to the indigenous Chepang people of central Nepal
- Community involvement in eye care: a health systems perspective