Comm Eye Health Vol. 18 No. 55 2005. Published online 05 October, 2005

Assessing and managing eye injuries

Drawings by Zambian primary school children during a Draw and Write research excercise supervised by Dr Boeteng Wiafe and Victoria Francis. 1993. © Tengeni Banda; Rabecca Phiri; Thresser Banda; Devies Phiri
Drawings by Zambian primary school children during a Draw and Write research excercise supervised by Dr Boeteng Wiafe and Victoria Francis. 1993. © Tengeni Banda; Rabecca Phiri; Thresser Banda; Devies Phiri

Injuries to the eye are common. Many are minor but, if not treated quickly and appropriately, can lead to sight-threatening complications. Other injuries are severe, and even with expert management sight can be lost.

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