News and notices. Comm Eye Health Vol. 21 No. 65 2008. March 04, 2008

Useful resources for cataract complications

Community Eye Health Journal back issues

Sandford-Smith J. Sutureless cataract surgery: principles and steps. Comm Eye Health J 2003;16(48): 51–53.

Schroeder B. Sutureless cataract extraction: complications, management and learning curves. Comm Eye Health J 2003;16(48): 58–59


Noble BA and Simmons IG. Complications of cataract surgery: a manual. 2nd ed. Butterworth Heinemann, 2001. Available from Waterstones. UK £54.99 plus post and packing.

Sandford-Smith J. Eye surgery in hot climates. 2nd ed. UK £9 (plus postage and packing). Available from the International Centre for Eye Health.

Other resources

Hennig A and Schroeder B. Sutureless cataract surgery: ‘fishhook technique’ instruction course. CD-ROM. Available free of charge from CBM.

Sandford-Smith J. Extracapsular cataract extraction with IOL implantation for developing countries. Video. UK £5 (incl. post and packing). Available from the International Centre for Eye Health.

Stevens S. Control of infection in ophthalmic practice. Poster. Cox I and Stevens S. Sterilisation and disinfection. Poster. Both available from the International Centre of Eye Health. Free of charge to low- and middle-income countries, UK £3 otherwise.

Suppliers’ addresses

CBM: Email [email protected] or write to CBM Procurement, Christian Blind Mission e.V., Nibelungenstrasse 124, 64625 Bensheim, Germany.

Waterstones: 71–74 North Street, Brighton, East Sussex BN1 1ZA, UK. Email: [email protected]

International Centre for Eye Health: Write to Jenni Sandford, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Keppel Street, London WC1E 7HT, UK. Email: [email protected]

News and notices in Comm Eye Health Vol. 21 No. 65 2008 –