News and notices. Comm Eye Health Vol. 21 No. 66 2008. June 01, 2008

Useful resources “Eye care for older people”

Community Eye Health Journal back issue

Ageing: a global perspective. Volume 12, Issue 29, 1999.


Keeffe J. Vision assessment and prescription of low vision devices. Comm Eye Health J 2004;17(49): 3–4.

Minto H and Awan H. Establishing low vision services at secondary level. Comm Eye Health J 2004;17(49): 5.

Watkinson S. Visual impairment in older people: the nurse’s role. Nursing Standard 2005;19(17): 45–52. (Available to dowload free of charge from


McNaughton et al. Low Vision Assessment. Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd, 2000. UK £20 (plus postage and packing). Available from Waterstones: 71–74 North Street, Brighton, East Sussex BN1 1ZA, UK.
Email: [email protected]


Helpage International:

Low Vision Online:

WHO: ageing and life course:

Other resources

Low Vision Kit. Includes information, E-charts and various materials to test vision and learn more about low vision. US $30 (incl. delivery). Available from the Centre for Eye Research Australia, 32 Gisborne Street, East Melbourne 3002, Victoria, Australia. Email: [email protected]

News and notices in Comm Eye Health Vol. 21 No. 66 2008 –