News and notices. Comm Eye Health Vol. 22 No. 69 2009. March 01, 2009

The cataract surgery case mix study: establishing the preoperative visual acuity of cataract patients worldwide

The International Centre for Eye Health (ICEH) is asking ophthalmologists from all over the world to become part of a research network.

In the network’s first study, we would like to detail the variation in preoperative vision of patients undergoing cataract surgery in different countries. This information is essential when planning effective VISION 2020 programmes to eliminate cataract blindness.

We will be asking network members to record preoperative visual acuity on 100 consecutive patients undergoing cataract surgery. The study is anticipated to start in 2009.

Anyone who takes part in the study will be acknowledged in the resulting publication.

If you or your institution would like some more information on how to get involved please contact either: Dr Shaheen Shah [email protected] or Dr Robert Lindfield [email protected]

News and notices in Comm Eye Health Vol. 22 No. 69 2009 –